Developer Features

Developer Menu

Cluster provides features for creators who are building worlds.
These features can be enabled and used through the developer menu.
For instructions on how to enable and access the developer menu, please see the help page.

Slash commands

The slash commands feature allows you to execute various functions by entering a string starting with / in the comment field and sending it.
Slash commands can be enabled from the developer menu.

The slash commands you send and their results are not visible to other users.

Some slash commands have parameters.
Commands and parameters must be separated by spaces.

Currently, the following slash commands are available:

  • /getmyposition
    • Shows your current coordinates.
      Available only for the world creator.
  • /getmypos
    • Shorthand for /getmyposition.
  • /help
    • Shows a list of slash commands.
  • /respawn
    • Respawns yourself.
      Available only for the world creator.
  • /warp x y z
    • Warps yourself to the coordinates specified by (x y z).
      Available only for the world creator.