Set Animator Value Gimmick

A gimmick that sets the values of Animator parameters.

Set Animator Value Gimmick is a gimmick that sets the values of Animator parameters.


TargetSpecifies the target of the message to be read. For details, see the common setting items for gimmicks. The Target of this gimmick can be Global, Item or Local Player. It must be a child of the Player Local UI to set to LocalPlayer.
KeySpecifies the identifier of the message to read. For details, see the common setting items for gimmicks.
Parameter TypeSpecifies the type of message (value type) that can be read.
-SignalSet the Animator’s Trigger when the message is read.
-BoolSet the value of the Animator’s Bool parameter when the message is read.
-FloatSet the value of the Animator’s Float parameter when the message is read.
-IntegerSet the value of the Animator’s Integer parameter when the message is read.
Animator Parameter NameSpecifies the name of the Animator Parameter for which you want to set a value.