Set Fill Amount Gimmick

This is a gimmick to set the FillAmount of an Image.

Set Fill Amount Gimmick is a gimmick that sets the FillAmount of an Image according to the value of the message it reads.


TargetSpecifies the target of the message to be read. See the gimmick’s common settings section for details. The target of this gimmick can be set to Global, Item, or LocalPlayer. To set a LocalPlayer, it must be a child of Player Local UI.
KeySpecifies the distinguished name of the message to be read. See the Gimmick Common Settings section for details.
Parameter TypeSpecifies the type of message (value type) that can be read.
-FloatReads a real number message.
-IntegerReads integer-valued messages.
MinValueSpecifies the value of the message when FillAmount is 0.
MaxValueSpecifies the value of the message when FillAmount is set to 1.

FillAmount is determined by the ratio of the value of the message read between MinValue and MaxValue. For example, if MinValue is 0 and MaxValue is 100, and you read a message with a value of 50, FillAmount will be set to 0.5.