Set Wheel Collider Brake Torque Item Gimmick
It is a gimmick that sets the braking force of Wheel Collider.
Set Wheel Collider Brake Torque Item Gimmick is a gimmick that sets the braking force (Brake Torque) of the Wheel Collider specified by it.Property
Property | function |
Target | Specifies the target of the message to be read. For details, see the common setting items for gimmicks. The Target of this gimmick can be This or Global. |
Key | Specifies the distinguished name of the message to read. For details, see the common setting items for gimmicks. |
Parameter Type | Specifies the type of message (value type) that can be read. |
-Bool | While on, set the Wheel Collider’s braking force to the value specified by Power. Set to 0 while off. |
-Float | The value set for Power multiplied by the Float Value of the message is set as the braking force of the Wheel Collider. |
-Integer | The value set for Power multiplied by the Integer Value of the message is set as the braking force of the Wheel Collider. |
Wheel Colliders | Specifies the Wheel Collider component that sets the braking force. |
Power | Specify the magnification of the braking force to be set. |
With this gimmick, the following components will be added automatically: Movable Item
The Wheel Collider you specify must be a child of the item with this gimmick.