Player Local Object Reference List component
A component that allows you to register references to objects in the world whose execution results don’t affect other players.
Items registered in PlayerLocalObjectReferenceList can be referenced from the API in scripts. For details, please refer to Script Reference.
Objects registered with this component must be Player Local UI placed in the world or its child elements, and must not be Items or their child elements. If you register objects that don’t meet these conditions, world uploads or script references may fail.

Property | Function |
Object References | A list of objects. You can specify the number of settings. |
-Id | Specify a string to reference from scripts. Ids must be 64 characters or less and can only contain alphanumeric characters and certain symbols (apostrophe, comma, hyphen, period, underscore). |
-Object Reference | Specify an object. Must be Player Local UI or its child elements, and must not be Items or their child elements. |