Shape Components

Shape components allow you to specify the behavior of Colliders.

Physical Shape

Colliders will now collide with players and items.
Physical Shape is used to determine interaction with items and craft item selection, and is subject to RayCast and overlap detection in scripts.

A Collider with no Shape components and Is Trigger turned off behaves the same as a Physical Shape.

Interactable Shape

Colliders will no longer physically collide.
Used to determine interactions such as grabbing, riding, and using.

Item Select Shape

Colliders will no longer physically collide.
When attached to a craft item’s Collider, it will be used to determine item selection during craft mode in World Craft.

Overlap Source Shape

Colliders will no longer physically collide.
It will be detected by overlap with RayCast or Overlap Detector Shape by script.

Overlap Detector Shape

Colliders will no longer physically collide.
Attaching Overlap Detector Shape to ScriptableItem’s Colliders, script can retrieve items and players that overlap it.
Items to be detected must have Physical Shape or Overlap Source Shape.
Note that a Collider with an Overlap Detector Shape will not be detected by another Overlap Detector Shape.

Please refer to Script Reference for APIs that can be used in scripts.