World Preview

This section describes the ability to preview the world you have created in the Unity editor.

How to use the preview

In a project with the Creator Kit installed, you can preview the world by playing it in the Unity editor.

Basic operation

You can use the cursor keys or the W, A, S, and D keys to move back and forth, left and right. By dragging in the Game window, you can change the camera orientation. You can use the spacebar to jump.

Testing the components of the venue

You can check the behavior of the world in PreviewControlWindow. The window can be opened from the Unity menu under Cluster > Preview > ControlWindow.

Elements that can be tested in ControlWindow


If you edit the “Display Name”, “User Name”, and “Comment Content”, and then click “Send Comment” while the Scene is running, a comment will be generated on the comment screen with the edited content.

Main Screen

Sample images can be projected on the main screen

Player Information

Use “Change Permissions” to switch between “Performer” and “Participant” permissions. When you use “Respawn”, you will be respawned at the location corresponding to your current privilege.

To see the performer in action, you need to set up a layer.

Item manipulation

When you get close to an item that can be manipulated, the item will be highlighted lightly. You can manipulate the highlighted items by clicking on them.

Grabbed items can be let go of by pressing the Q key.

Previewing a Web Trigger

You can check the behavior of the web trigger with WebTriggerWindow. The window can be opened from the Unity menu “Cluster > Preview > WebTriggerWindow”.

Preview the save function.

The Preview Settings window allows you to reset the saved state in the preview. The window can be opened from the Unity menu under Cluster > Preview > Settings.

Saved data in Preview and operations in the Preview Settings window are used only for previewing and do not affect the uploaded world.

To reset an uploaded world, go to the World Management screen.