Class PostProcessEffectsItem Beta

The configuration values for post-process effects.

Created in the constructor and set for the player using PlayerHandle.setPostProcessEffects.

The active property of each settings determines whether the settings will be used.

The post-process set with PlayerHandle.setPostProcessEffects is represented as a Global Volume in Unity's PostProcessing, with Priority set to 100.

By executing the clear on each settings, it is possible to apply the enabled state of PostProcessingVolume placed in the world uploaded with Creato Kit that has a Priority lower than 100. The default value for enabled is true, and there is usually no need to change it from true in most use cases.


  • PostProcessEffects



chromaticAberration: ChromaticAberrationSettings
colorGrading: ColorGradingSettings
depthOfField: DepthOfFieldSettings
lensDistortion: LensDistortionSettings
motionBlur: MotionBlurSettings

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