Describes animation data for a humanoid model. To add animation data to an item, register an AnimationClip to a HumanoidAnimationList. This can be obtained using ClusterScript.humanoidAnimation.

For details on HumanoidAnimationList, refer to the documentation.


  • HumanoidAnimation


  • Returns true if the animation is a loop animation.

    Returns boolean

  • Obtains the duration of the animation, in seconds.

    If the animation does not exist, this method will return 0.

    Returns number

  • Obtains the pose data of a humanoid model at a given playback position. The playback position value will be 0 for the beginning of the animation, and the value of getLength() for the end.

    For loop animations, if a playback position after the end of the animation is specified, returned pose data takes the loop into account. Otherwise, the specified playback position will be clamped between the start and the end of the animation.

    If the animation does not exist, this method will return an empty HumanoidPose.


    • time: number

      Playback position within the animation (in seconds)

    Returns HumanoidPose

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