Describes animation data for a humanoid model. To add animation data to an item, register an AnimationClip to a HumanoidAnimationList. This can be obtained using ClusterScript.humanoidAnimation.

For details on HumanoidAnimationList, refer to the documentation.


  • HumanoidAnimation


  • Beta

    Obtains the duration of the animation, in seconds.

    If the animation does not exist, this method will return 0.

    Returns number

  • Beta

    Obtains the pose data of a humanoid model at a given playback position. The playback position value will be 0 for the beginning of the animation, and the value of getLength() for the end.

    If the animation does not exist, this method will return an empty HumanoidPose.


    • time: number

      Playback position within the animation (in seconds)

    Returns HumanoidPose

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