The handle to manipulate the item itself. This exists for each individual item, and can be accessed from the $ object.


  • ClusterScript


angularVelocity: Vector3

Gets or sets this item's angular velocity (global coordinates).

If this item is not a MovableItem, the value will be a Zero Vector. If this item is not a physics-enabled MovableItem, attempting to modify it will result in an exception. Changes made during grabbing, etc. will be ignored.

groupState: StateProxy

Provides access to the group state. Similar to state, it allows read/write access, but the value is shared across all items belonging to the item group.

If the item does not belong to an item group, a ClusterScriptError will be thrown.

For more details on item groups, refer to the documentation.

id: string

The string representation of the ID that uniquely identifies an item within the space. This is the same as the of the ItemHandle for this item.

itemHandle: ItemHandle

Returns the ItemHandle that represents this item.

itemTemplateId: null | ItemTemplateId

The ID of item template that this Craft Item is based on. if the item executing this script is World Item, this function returns null. This value can be used by createItem.

state: StateProxy

Provides access to the state of individual items. Arbitrary property names can be used as keys for reading/writing data in the state.


Reading from a not yet defined property will default to returning undefined.

let v = $.state.exampleKey; // Read the value of the key "exampleKey". If it has never been written to before, it will return undefined.
if (v == null) { v = 0.0; }
$.state.exampleKey = v + 1;

Values of the Sendable type can also be written and saved to states.

Specifically, you can use numbers, strings, booleans, Vector2, Vector3, Quaternion, PlayerHandle, ItemHandle, arrays of the aforementioned types, and objects having keys assigned with strings.

If you try to write a non-Sendable value, such as undefined, it will be ignored. This behavior may change in future releases.


$.state.exampleKey1 = 1; // Write a number
$.state.exampleKey2 = "hello"; // Write a string
$.state.exampleKey3 = true; // Write a boolean
$.state.exampleKey4 = { foo: "bar" }; // Write an object
$.state.exampleKey5 = [1, 2, 3]; // Write an array
$.state.exampleKey6 = { // Write a complex object
array: [1, 2, 3],
object: { foo: "bar" },


To make changes on arrays and objects reflect on a state, they need to be reassigned.

$.state.exampleKey = [1, 2, 3];
// $.state.exampleKey.push(4); // This will NOT make the changes reflect on the state

// This will make the changes reflect on the state
const v = $.state.exampleKey;
$.state.exampleKey = v;
useGravity: boolean

Gets or sets whether this item is affected by gravity under normal conditions. Items are not affected by gravity while being grabbed, but this does not affect useGravity.

If this item is not a physics-enabled MovableItem, the value will be false. If this item is not a physics-enabled MovableItem, attempting to modify it will result in an exception.

velocity: Vector3

Gets or sets this item's velocity (global coordinates).

If this item is not a MovableItem, the value will be a Zero Vector. If this item is not a physics-enabled MovableItem, attempting to modify it will result in an exception. Changes made during grabbing, etc. will be ignored.


  • Adds a force, valid during the current PhysicsUpdate, to the item's center of gravity. This can only be used inside the callback of onPhysicsUpdate. Calling it elsewhere will result in an exception.


    • force: Vector3

      Force (global coordinates)

    Returns void

  • Adds a force (in global coordinates), valid during the current PhysicsUpdate, to a specified point on the item. This can only be used inside the callback of onPhysicsUpdate. Calling it elsewhere will result in an exception.


    • force: Vector3

      Force (global coordinates)

    • position: Vector3

      Point to apply force (global coordinates)

    Returns void

  • Adds an impulsive force to the item's center of gravity. To apply impulsive force to points other than the center of gravity, use addImpulsiveForceAt.


    • impulsiveForce: Vector3

      Impulsive force (global coordinates)

    Returns void

  • Adds an impulsive force to a specified point on the item.


    • impulsiveForce: Vector3

      Impulsive force (global coordinates)

    • position: Vector3

      Point to apply impulsive force (global coordinates)

    Returns void

  • Adds an impulsive torque to the item's center of gravity.


    • impulsiveTorque: Vector3

      Impulsive torque (global coordinates)

    Returns void

  • Adds a torque, valid during the current PhysicsUpdate, to the item's center of gravity. This can only be used inside the callback of onPhysicsUpdate. Calling it elsewhere will result in an exception.


    • torque: Vector3

      Torque (global coordinates)

    Returns void

  • Locates an audio entry with the ID itemAudioSetId within the item's ItemAudioSetList, and returns an ApiAudio object referring to it.

    For details on ItemAudioSetList, refer to the documentation.


    • itemAudioSetId: string

    Returns ApiAudio

  • Sends a request outside of the space. The response is received through onExternalCallEnd. To use this call, the developer themselves must prepare an external server.

    Frequency Limit

    There is a limit on how often callExternal can be called.

    • If the item running this script is a craft item, 5 times per minute per item
    • If the item running this script is a world item, a total of 100 times per minute per space for all world items

    It is possible to momentarily exceed this limit, but please ensure the average number of calls stays below this limit. If the limit is exceeded, ClusterScriptError (rateLimitExceeded) occurs and the operation fails.

    Size Limit

    If the request or meta exceeds the size limit, ClusterScriptError (requestSizeLimitExceeded) will occur.

    How to Use

    Setup: Register the endpoint (external communication (callExternal) connection URL) from Creator Kit to receive the requests. The endpoint is tied to the account and can be set only once per account. Requests are sent to the endpoint of the account that uploaded the item/world.

    Each time callExternal is called from Cluster Script, an HTTP POST call is made from cluster's server to the endpoint. The data included in the response to the POST is passed to onExternalCallEnd. If the endpoint does not respond within 5 seconds timeout or returns an error, it is considered a failure. There are no retries from cluster to the endpoint.

    Endpoint Specifications

    Must respond to HTTP POST in the following format. Only HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 are supported, calls via HTTP/3 are not supported. Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported, but HTTPS is recommended for security reasons upon publication.


    "request": "...string (1kB or less)..."


    "verify": "...verify_token (can be obtained in Creator Kit)...",
    "response": "...string (1kB or less)..."

    The verify field is used to confirm the developer themselves manages the endpoint. If the response field exceeds 1kB, it is considered an invalid response and callExternal is treated as a failure.

    If the ownership of the endpoint cannot be confirmed due to an invalid response, etc., the use of the callExternal API may be restricted. Similarly, restrictions or inquiries may be made in cases where it is thought that responses are not being made due to high load.


    Sending information that corresponds to personal information of players without their consent is prohibited. If such use is suspected, there may be restrictions on the use of the callExternal API or inquiries regarding the purpose of use. Also, if deemed inappropriate by us, we may restrict its use without notice.


    • request: string

      A string less than 1kB. It is sent to an external server.

    • meta: string

      A string less than 100 bytes. It can be used to identify multiple callExternal calls. It is fine to specify an empty string or the same string multiple times.

    Returns void

  • Beta

    Clear the settings of players who can see this Item.

    If cleared, the Item will be visible to all.

    Returns void

  • Calculates the data size in bytes when the data is sent with send.

    If the data is not a Sendable, a TypeError will occur.


    Returns number

  • Creates the specified item in the current space.

    If ItemTemplateId is passed as itemTemplateId, a craft item will be created. If WorldItemTemplateId is passed as itemTemplateId, a world item will be created. However, if WorldItemTemplateId is passed to itemTemplateId in a call from a craft item, an error will occur.

    In principle, the owner of the item that executes the createItem method will become the owner of the newly created item.

    An item can create other items by createItem up to 10 times per second. This can be exceeded momentarily, but please keep the average below this limit. If the limit is exceeded, a ClusterScriptError (rateLimitExceeded) error will occur and createItem will fail.

    Behavior when creating a craft item

    There may be a delay before the craft item is actually created.

    The author of the craft item template to be created must meet one of the following criteria:

    • If the item executing this script is a Craft Item, it must have the same author as that craft item's template.
    • If the item executing this script is a World Item, it must have the same author as the current Venue.

    If a beta item is to be created, the item executing this script must either be a beta Craft Item or a World Item in a beta world.

    The creation of craft items may fail due to the following reasons:

    • Attempting to create a craft item that does not meet the criteria.
    • The creation of a craft item would cause the Craft Item Capacity Usage to exceed 500%.
    • The owner of the original item exits during the creation of a craft item.

    If craft item creation fails, the returned ItemHandle will be in a state where it does not point to anything, and ItemHandle.exists will return false.

    Behavior when creating a world item

    Creates a world item by referring to the World Item Template List registered World Item Template.

    It is not possible to create any world items from craft items.

    If an unregistered Id in the World Item Template List or an Id without a World Item Template is specified, ClusterScriptError will occur and createItem will fail.

    If the owner of the original item exits during the creation of a world item, the creation may fail.

    If world item creation fails, the returned ItemHandle will be in a state where it does not point to anything, and ItemHandle.exists will return false.


    In the example below, when the item is used, a world item "marker" is created above the player, and the PlayerHandle of the player who used the item is sent.

    $.onUse((isDown, player) => {
    if (!isDown) return;

    const markerPosition = player.getPosition();
    markerPosition.y += 2.5;

    const markerRotation = player.getRotation();

    const worldItemTemplateId = new WorldItemTemplateId("marker");
    const itemHandle = $.createItem(worldItemTemplateId, markerPosition, markerRotation);

    itemHandle.send("createdPlayer", player);


    Returns ItemHandle

  • Beta

    Generates an item with specified options.


    let itemHandle = $.createItem(templateId, position, rotation, { asMember: true });


    Returns ItemHandle

  • Destroys this item. There may be a delay before the item is actually destroyed.

    Items to destroy must meet one of the following criteria:

    • The item is a Craft Item.
    • If the item is not a Craft Item, it should be dynamically created using Create Item Gimmick or ClusterScript.createItem of Scriptable Item.

    If called on an item that cannot be destroyed, a ClusterScriptError (executionNotAllowed) error will occur and destroy will fail. Currently, it is not possible to destroy World Placed Items.

    Returns void

  • Retrieves the PlayerHandle of the player who is grabbing an item with the Grabbable Item component. Returns null if no player is grabbing the item.

    If called within the onGrab callback, it returns the PlayerHandle grabbing the item if isGrab is true, and null if isGrab is false.

    Returns null | PlayerHandle

  • Returns an array of handles for items (excluding itself) that have detectable colliders within a specified spherical space. Detectable colliders are: colliders with a PhysicalShape, colliders with an OverlapSourceShape, and colliders without a Shape that can cause physics collisions. Detectable layers are: Default, RidingItem, InteractableItem, and GrabbingItem.

    When a large number of colliders are included in the range, it may not be possible to retrieve all ItemHandles that meet the condition. In this case, a warning message will be output to the console.


    An array of handles for the detected items (order is undefined)


    • position: Vector3

      Center position (global coordinates)

    • radius: number

      Radius of sphere

    Returns ItemHandle[]

  • Get the most recent comments, up to the specified count.

    The count can be a natural number up to 100, and specifies the maximum number of comments to be obtained. In some cases, it may not be possible to obtain enough of the past comments. In this case, the array will contain fewer comments than the count.

    If count is less than 0 or greater than 100, it will be rounded to the range from 0 to 100.

    The comments are roughly ordered from the earliest time, but the order is not guaranteed to be stable. The order of comments with similar posting times may change each time they are retrieved.

    This API is only available in the event and test spaces. If you use this API other than in the event and test spaces, it will return an empty array.


    • count: number

    Returns Comment[]

  • Returns an array of detectable objects that overlap with this item's OverlapDetectorShape. Detectable objects are: colliders with a PhysicalShape, colliders with an OverlapSourceShape, and colliders without a Shape that can cause physics collisions. Overlaps with this item itself are excluded.

    Either this item or the detectable object must fulfill one of the following: be a MovableItem, have a Rigidbody, have a CharacterController, or be a player. Detectable layers are those that perform collision detection on this item's OverlapDetectorShape. In some cases, this method may exclude objects that do overlap in space, eg. if the item had already been overlapping when it was created or enabled.


    // Count players who overlap with me
    let set = new Set();
    let overlaps = $.getOverlaps();
    for (let overlap of overlaps) {
    if (overlap.handle?.type === "player") {
    let player = overlap.handle;
    $.log(`player count: ${set.size}`);

    Returns Overlap[]

  • Asynchronously retrieves the status of owned purchasable items purchased by the player in this world. The retrieved status of owned purchasable items is passed to the callback set in ClusterScript.onGetOwnProducts.

    If the player has purchased the specified item, the status of owned purchasable items will be included in the ownProducts of the callback. If the player has not purchased the specified item, the corresponding OwnProduct for the player will not be included in the array.

    Frequency Limit

    There is a limit on how often getOwnProducts can be called.

    • If the item running this script is a craft item, 5 times per minute per item
    • If the item running this script is a world item, a total of 100 times per minute per space for all world items

    It is possible to momentarily exceed this limit, but please ensure the average number of calls stays below this limit. If the limit is exceeded, ClusterScriptError (rateLimitExceeded) occurs and the operation fails.


    • productId: string

      The product ID for the targe purchasable item.

    • players: PlayerHandle | PlayerHandle[]

      A list of players whose status of owned purchasable items is to be retrieved.

    • meta: string

      A string less than 100 bytes. It can be used to identify multiple getOwnProducts calls. It is fine to specify an empty string or the same string multiple times.

    Returns void

  • Returns an array of handles for players whose colliders exist within a specified spherical space.


    An array of handles for the detected players (order is undefined)


    • position: Vector3

      Center position (global coordinates)

    • radius: number

      Radius of sphere

    Returns PlayerHandle[]

  • Obtains the current position of the item. Values will be returned in the global coordinates of the world the item is in.

    If you call this immediately after calling setPosition, please be aware it will return the item's current position, not the value passed to setPosition.

    Returns Vector3

  • Retrieves the PlayerHandle of the player who is riding an item with the Ridable Item component. Returns null if no player is riding the item.

    If called within the onRide callback, it returns the PlayerHandle riding the item if isGetOn is true, and null if isGetOn is false.

    Returns null | PlayerHandle

  • Obtains the current rotation of the item. Values will be returned in the global coordinates of the world the item is in.

    If you call this immediately after calling setRotation, please be aware it will return the item's current rotation, not the value passed to setRotation.

    Returns Quaternion

  • In Worlds made using the Creator Kit, obtains a message from the target. If used outside of items in Creator Kit-developed worlds, a runtime error will occur.


    // Obtain a message to this item, with the identifer "foo", in the boolean type.
    $.getStateCompat("this", "foo", "boolean");


    • target: CompatGimmickTarget

      The target from which to obtain messages

      "this": Obtain a message for this item.

      "owner": Obtain a message for this item's owner.

      "global": Obtain a global message.

    • key: string

      Message identifier

    • parameterType: CompatParamType

      Message type

      Can be one of the following: "signal", "boolean", "float", "double", "integer", "vector2", and "vector3".

    Returns undefined | CompatSendable

  • Gets the handle of the Unity component attached to this object by type name. The available type names are defined in UnityComponent.

    If the object has multiple components, returns first component.

    This API is only available for worlds uploaded from the Creator Kit. This API is not available from Craft Items.


    The component specified by type name, or null if not found


    • type: string

    Returns null | UnityComponent

  • Locates an animation entry with the ID humanoidAnimationId within the item's HumanoidAnimationList, and returns a HumanoidAnimation object referring to it.

    For details on HumanoidAnimationList, refer to the documentation.


    • humanoidAnimationId: string

    Returns HumanoidAnimation

  • Returns whether the space in which this item is placed is an event.


    true for events, false otherwise

    Returns boolean

  • Performs a toString on the content of v, then outputs it to the log.


    • v: any

    Returns void

  • Returns a MaterialHandle object that references the material with the id specified in materialId in the item's ItemMaterialSetList.

    For details on ItemMaterialSetList, see documentation.


    // Items that change the color of the material when interacted
    $.onInteract(() => {
    const mh = $.material("materialId");
    mh.setBaseColor(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 1);


    • materialId: string

    Returns MaterialHandle

  • Registers a callback to be called when this item collides with another object. The item must have physics behaviors enabled.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    $.onCollide(collision => {
    if (collision.handle?.type === "player") {
    $.log("collide with a player.");


    Returns void

  • Register a callback to be called when a comment is submitted.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.

    Due to timing issues, there is a possibility that the callback will be called twice for the same comment, or that the callback will not be called at all.

    The callback may be called for two or more comments at once.

    This API is only available in the event and test spaces. Other than in the event and test spaces, registering callbacks using this API will succeed, but the callbacks will not be called.


    • callback: ((comments: Comment[]) => void)
        • (comments: Comment[]): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called upon the completion of callExternal. The callback is called once upon success or failure of callExternal.

    Only supported for calls at the script's top level. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration is effective.


    • callback: ((response: null | string, meta: string, errorReason: null | string) => void)

      response: The response obtained from external. It is null in case of failure. meta: The same string passed during callExternal. errorReason: The reason for failure if response is null.

        • (response: null | string, meta: string, errorReason: null | string): void
        • Parameters

          • response: null | string
          • meta: string
          • errorReason: null | string

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback that is called when retrieving the status of owned purchasable items requested in ClusterScript.getOwnProducts. Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.

    The status of owned purchasable items will be provided in the ownProducts of the callback if the player has purchased the specified item. The OwnProduct will not be included in the array if the player has not purchased the specified item.

    Differences in behavior based on room type:

    When called in a test space, the 'ownProducts' in the callback will only include the status of owned purchasable items resulting from item purchases made within that test space. Status of owned purchasable items in the test space is managed separately from other space, and item purchases in the test space do not affect status of owned purchasable items in other space.

    Called in an event, the ownProducts in the callback will always be an empty array.


    • callback: ((ownProducts: null | OwnProduct[], meta: string, errorReason: null | string) => void)

      response: The status of owned purchasable items of the successfully retrieved item. It is null in case of failure. meta: The same string passed during getOwnProducts. errorReason: The reason for failure if response is null.

        • (ownProducts: null | OwnProduct[], meta: string, errorReason: null | string): void
        • Parameters

          • ownProducts: null | OwnProduct[]
          • meta: string
          • errorReason: null | string

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when the players have sent gifts in an event.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.

    When the current space is not an event, then callback can be registered but the callback is not called except using test-purpose functions referred below.

    gifts can have different order from the order that the gifts actually has been sent. It is possible that the callback is called with multiple gifts.

    This method can be tested in world or craft space without using Cluster Coin. Please see detail at Slash Commands.


    // Gets the players' display names who sent the gifts in an event.
    $.onGiftSent((gifts) => {
    let names = => g.senderDisplayName);


    • callback: ((gifts: GiftInfo[]) => void)

      gifts: The data of the gift sent.

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when grabbing or releasing an object. The item must have a GrabbableItem Component attached.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    $.onGrab((isGrab, isLeftHand) => {
    if (isGrab) {
    if (isLeftHand) {
    $.log("Grabbed by left hand.");
    } else {
    $.log("Grabbed by right hand.");

    The player handle can also be obtained.

    // Increase the movement speed while grabbing
    $.onGrab((isGrab, isLeftHand, player) => {
    if (isGrab) {
    } else {


    • callback: ((isGrab: boolean, isLeftHand: boolean, player: PlayerHandle) => void)

      isGrab = true when grabbing, false when releasing.

      isLeftHand = true when grabbed/released with the left hand, false when with the right hand.

      player = The handle of the player who grabbed/released the item.

        • (isGrab: boolean, isLeftHand: boolean, player: PlayerHandle): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when a "Use" action is performed on a non-grabbable item. The item must have 1 or more Collider Components attached.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    $.onInteract(() => {

    The player handle can also be obtained.

    // Respawn the player who interacted with it
    $.onInteract(player => {


    • callback: ((player: PlayerHandle) => void)

      player = The handle of the player who interacted with the item.

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when this item's physics state gets updated. (Corresponds to FixedUpdate in Unity)

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    // Rise for 1 second, then fall for 2 seconds.
    // The Rigidbody's Mass here is assumed to be 1.
    $.onPhysicsUpdate(deltaTime => {
    let t = $.state.time ?? 0;
    t += deltaTime;
    if (t < 1) {
    $.addForce(new Vector3(0, 12, 0));
    } else if (t > 3) {
    t = 0;
    $.state.time = t;


    • callback: ((deltaTime: number) => void)
        • (deltaTime: number): void
        • Parameters

          • deltaTime: number

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback that is called when the status of owned purchasable items changes for players within the space. Simply registering this callback will not trigger any actions. Registering the product ID with ClusterScript.subscribePurchase, the callback will be invoked for the specified product ID.

    ClusterScript.getOwnProducts can be used to retrieve the details of changes in status of owned purchasable items.

    In some situations, the callback may not be called even though the status of owned purchasable items has changed. Script should be implemented so that the status of owned purchasable items is reflected in the world by using methods like getOwnProduct, even in cases where the callback was not called or when a player who has already purchased the item enters the space.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    • callback: ((player: PlayerHandle, productId: string) => void)

      player = The player whose status of owned purchasable items has changed. productId = The product ID of the target purchasable item.

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when this item receives a message sent from ItemHandle.send or sent from PlayerScript.sendTo to ItemId.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.

    By specifying option, it can receive messages sent from PlayerScript.sendTo. To receive messages sent from PlayerScript.sendTo, set the argument option.

    If option is unset, it will only receive messages from ItemHandle.send.

    • If option.item is true, then messages sent from ItemHandle.send will be received.
    • If option.item is false, then messages sent from ItemHandle.send will be ignored.
    • If option.item is unset, then messages sent from ItemHandle.send will be received.
    • If option.player is true, the messages sent from PlayerScript.sendTo will be received.
    • If option.player is false, then messages sent from PlayerScript.sendTo will be ignored.
    • If option.player is unset, then messages sent from PlayerScript.sendTo will be ignored.

    The handling of the case where option.player is unset is different from that of PlayerScript.onReceive. With ClusterScript.onReceive, it will not receive any messages from PlayerScript if the option is unset in order not to break compatibility of existing scripts.

    The sender value passed to the callback is either ItemHandle or PlayerHandle. Refer Handles in the top page of Script Reference to know how to handle this value.


    // Log to output if the message type received is either "damage" or "heal".
    $.onReceive((messageType, arg, sender) => {
    switch (messageType) {
    case "damage":
    $.log(`damage: ${arg}`);
    case "heal":
    $.log(`heal: ${arg}`);


    // Receive "attack" messages from PlayerScript and output logs.
    $.onReceive((messageType, arg, sender) => {
    if (messageType === "attack") {
    if (sender instanceof ItemHandle) {
    $.log(`attack: ${arg}`);
    }, { player: true });


    • callback: ((messageType: string, arg: Sendable, sender: ItemHandle | PlayerHandle) => void)

      sender represents the item or player from which it is sent.

    • Optional option: { item: boolean; player: boolean }

      Option to register callbacks. You can specify the type of messages to receive.

      • item: boolean
      • player: boolean

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when mounting or dismounting a ridable item. The item must have a RidableItem Component attached.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    // Rotates only while the players is riding.
    $.onRide(isGetOn => {
    $.state.isRiding = isGetOn;

    $.onUpdate(deltaTime => {
    if (!$.state.isRiding) return;
    let t = $.state.time ?? 0;
    t += deltaTime;
    $.state.time = t % 360;
    $.setRotation(new Quaternion().setFromEulerAngles(0, t, 0));

    The player handle can also be obtained.

    $.onRide((isGetOn, player) => {
    $.state.isRiding = isGetOn;
    $.state.player = isGetOn ? player : null;


    • callback: ((isGetOn: boolean, player: PlayerHandle) => void)

      isGetOn = true when mounting, false when dismounting.

      player = The handle of the player mounted/dismounted the item.

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called once, before the first execution of onUpdate, when this item first appears in the space. If onReceive callback also registered, it is ensured to be called after onStart is called.

    The item appearing in the space refers to any of the following situations:

    • When an item is created with createItem or createItemGimmick
    • In Creator Kit based worlds, when the space starts anew
    • In World Craft, when an item is newly created by placing or copying

    Only the last registered callback at script load time will be active.

    For more details, see When onStart is called


    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when player's move input changed during riding the item. The item must have a RidableItem Component attached. If SteerItemTrigger Component is attached to the item, the callback is not called and SteerItemTrigger will be triggered instead.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.

    input value in callback indicates move input of the player by stick or keyboard. Magnitude of input is between 0 and 1.

    Left and right input is represented as x, and right direction is positive. Forward and backward input is represented as y, and forward direction is positive.


    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when player's additional axis input changed during riding the item. The item must have a RidableItem Component attached. If SteerItemTrigger Component is attached to the item, the callback is not called and SteerItemTrigger will be triggered instead.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.

    The input method differs depending on the device of the player. Either way, the input value is between -1 and 1.

    • In mobile devices, input is made using up/down button at the bottom right side in screen.
    • In desktop devices, space key and left shift key is treated as up and down button, respectively.
    • In VR devices, player input is made by right hand controller.


    • callback: ((input: number, player: PlayerHandle) => void)

      input = The input value of the player.

      player = The handle of the player controlling the item.

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when this item receives a text input from the player, requested with PlayerHandle.requestTextInput.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    $.onTextInput((text, meta, status) => {
    switch(status) {
    case TextInputStatus.Success:
    case TextInputStatus.Busy:
    // Retry in 5 seconds
    $.state.should_retry = true;
    $.state.retry_timer = 5;
    case TextInputStatus.Refused:
    // Give up if refused
    $.state.should_retry = false;


    • callback: ((text: string, meta: string, status: TextInputStatus) => void)

      text = Text entered by the player.

      meta = The meta string as specified in PlayerHandle.requestTextInput.

      status = Status signifying the outcome of the text input request.

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called on each update loop.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    // Output to log every 10 seconds
    $.onUpdate(deltaTime => {
    let t = $.state.time ?? 0;
    t += deltaTime;
    if (t > 10) {
    $.log("10 seconds elapsed.");
    t -= 10;
    $.state.time = t;


    • callback: ((deltaTime: number) => void)
        • (deltaTime: number): void
        • Parameters

          • deltaTime: number

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Registers a callback to be called when a "Use" action is performed on a item being grabbed. The item must have a GrabbableItem Component attached. If UseItemTrigger Component is attached to the item, the callback is not be called and instead UseItemTrigger will be triggered.

    Supported only when called at the top level of the script. If called multiple times at the top level, only the last registration will be valid.


    $.onUse(isDown => {
    $.log(`isDown: ${isDown}.`);

    The player handle can also be obtained.

    // Apply upwards velocity to the player who used this
    $.onUse((isDown, player) => {
    if (isDown) {
    player.addVelocity(new Vector3(0, 5, 0));


    • callback: ((isDown: boolean, player: PlayerHandle) => void)

      isDown = true when beginning the "Use" action, false when ending.

      player = The handle of the player who used the item.

    Returns void

  • Casts a ray, and returns the first object it collided with.


    The collided object (null if no collision)


    • position: Vector3

      Origin of the ray (global coordinates)

    • direction: Vector3

      Direction of the ray (global coordinates)

    • maxDistance: number

      Maximum distance for performing collision detection

    Returns null | RaycastResult

  • Casts a ray, and returns all the objects it collided with.

    When a large number of colliders are included in the range, it may not be possible to retrieve all ItemHandles that meet the condition. In this case, a warning message will be output to the console.


    An array of the collided objects (order is undefined)


    • position: Vector3

      Origin of the ray (global coordinates)

    • direction: Vector3

      Direction of the ray (global coordinates)

    • maxDistance: number

      Maximum distance for performing collision detection

    Returns RaycastResult[]

  • Beta

    Request to change the owner of the item. For more details about ownership, refer to the documentation.

    Changing the owner may take some time. If the player is grabbing, riding, manipulating the item in craft mode, or editing the script of it, the change of owner will fail. It can fail due to factors like the network status of the target player or interactions from other players.

    Rate limitations

    An item can request owner changes up to 10 times per second. This can be exceeded momentarily, but please keep the average below this limit. If the limit is exceeded, a ClusterScriptError (rateLimitExceeded) error will occur and the operation will fail.


    • player: PlayerHandle

      The player to assign as the new owner

    Returns void

  • In Worlds made using the Creator Kit, sends a signal to the target. If used outside of items in Creator Kit-developed worlds, a runtime error will occur.


    • target: CompatStateTarget

      The target to send the message

      "this": Send a message to this item.

      "owner": Send a message to this item's owner.

    • key: string

      Message identifier

    Returns void

  • Registers the scripts held by the item's Player Script component to the player. If the item does not have a PlayerScript component attached, an Error is thrown.

    For more information on PlayerScript components, please refer to Documentation.

    When this item is deleted, the script is unregistered. If the setPlayerScript method is called multiple times for the same player, the previously registered scripts are deleted and only the last registered script is executed.

    In the registered script, you can use PlayerScript.sourceItemId to obtain a reference to the item which registered the script.

    Flow Control

    When APIs for Modifying the State of Other Items and Players, including this API, are called excessively frequently beyond the limit within a space, the results may be applied with significant delays. For more details, please refer to Flow Control.

    PlayerScript of craft items

    setPlayerScript is beta feature for craft items.


    Returns void

  • Specify a position to move the item to, using the global coordinates of the world the item is in.

    The item must have a MovableItem Component attached. As the positions are interpolated and synced across the network, please be aware they may not be reflected immediately.


    Returns void

  • Specify a rotation to rotate the item to, using the global coordinates of the world the item is in.

    The item must have a MovableItem Component attached. As the rotations are interpolated and synced across the network, please be aware they may not be reflected immediately.


    $.setRotation(new Quaternion().setFromEulerAngles(new Vector3(90, 0, 0)));


    Returns void

  • In Worlds made using the Creator Kit, sends a message to the target. If used outside of items in Creator Kit-developed worlds, a runtime error will occur.


    // Send a message to this item, with the identifier "foo", in the boolean type.
    $.setStateCompat("this", "foo", true);


    • target: CompatStateTarget

      The target to send the message

      "this": Send a message to this item.

      "owner": Send a message to this item's owner.

    • key: string

      Message identifier

    • value: CompatSendable

      Message value

    Returns void

  • Beta

    Sets the players who can see this item.

    Before calling this method, the Item is set to be visible to everyone.

    If this method is called, the settings for which players can see the item set with this method will be overwritten.

    The only things that change are whether or not the item is visible and whether or not it can be interacted with. The physical behavior and collision detection are not changed.

    setVisiblePlayers and clearVisiblePlayers change the enabled property of the Renderer contained in the item. Therefore, if you are using an Animator or other method to change the enabled state of a Renderer contained in an item in a world uploaded from Creator Kit, this function may not work properly if used in conjunction with it.

    To cancel this setting, use ClusterScript.clearVisiblePlayers.

    If the players argument is null, an exception will be thrown. The maximum number of elements in the array of players that can be passed as an argument is 64.


    • players: PlayerHandle[]

      List of players who will be able to see the item

    Returns void

  • Locates an object named subNodeName within the item's children and descendants, and returns a SubNode object that refers to it.

    This method does not support the object with Player Local UI or the children of such object. This is because the hierarchy of those GameObjects is subject to the change.


    • subNodeName: string

    Returns SubNode

  • Registers a purchasable item in ClusterScript.onPurchaseUpdated for detecting changes in status of owned purchasable items. This API cannot be called at the top level of the script.


    • productId: string

      The product ID for detecting changes in status of owned purchasable items.

    Returns void

  • Unregisters a purchasable item in ClusterScript.onPurchaseUpdated for detecting changes in status of owned purchasable items. This API cannot be called at the top level of the script.


    • productId: string

      The product ID for detecting changes in status of owned purchasable items.

    Returns void

  • Returns an ItemHandle object that references the Item specified by worldItemReferenceId in the item's WorldItemReferenceList.

    For details on WorldItmeReferenceList, see documentation.

    Supported when called at the top level of the script or from callbacks.


    // Item that sends message "click" to the specified item when interacted
    const target = $.worldItemReference("target");

    $.onInteract(() => {
    target.send("click", null);


    • worldItemReferenceId: string

    Returns ItemHandle

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